Blogger Widgets Science Education and Technology: Computer Networking Tips

Friday, 27 December 2013

Computer Networking Tips

Back in the old days networking computers was just not heard of in the normal household, however now we all need computer networking tips, as we are all involved with some type of networking in one way or another from basic wireless to m2m (machine to machine) communication. An average household had one computer with one internet dial-up connection and that was it. Can you image having this now?

Simple computer networking tips that are listed below will give you the skills that were previously only reserved for the professionals. Networking skills have become an important part of computing as now most households have more than one computer all linked to the same Internet connection.

What is a Computer Network?

A simple definition of network is a series of points that are connected to create communication between other computers and devices. They may be connected by network cables or by a wireless signal. Depending on how far these networks extend, they are labeled a LAN, MAN, or WAN network.
LAN: (local area network) A group of computers that share a common connection and are usually in a small area. For example an office or home network.
MAN: (metropolitan area network) This is a larger network that connects computer users in a particular geographic area or region. For example a large university may have a network so large that it may be classified as a MAN.
It is far larger than a LAN and smaller than a WAN. Also large cities like London and Sydney, Australia have metropolitan area networks.
WAN: (wide area network) This is the largest network and can interconnect networks throughout the world.
As I previously mentioned, computer networking was previously reserved for a professional setup usually in a corporate or business workplace. However now days even the average everyday household with a mere two computers has most certainly networked them in order to share files and an internet connection. This is why we all will find these computer networking tips and definitions a valuable tool. We also have some network video tutorials available which are sometimes easier to learn with.

Computer Networking Tips – What Can I Learn?

In the following tutorials you will learn how to set up your own home computer network, network computers so you can share files, wireless computer networking setup, and even network security. If you have a computer that is connected to the Internet through a router or even another computer, you really need to take note of these networking tips. Computer networking can be as simple as connecting two computers to one modem or a full office full of computers sharing the same Internet connection.
Computer Networking Basics: What Is A Computer Network?

What Is A Local Area Network? 

Basic Networking Explained: How To Connect Two Computers
The Number One Problem With Network Printing  
What to do when you run out of Router ports

computer networking tips

Network file setup and settings

How To Setup Gigabit Ethernet Gigabit Ethernet promises to be 10 times as fast as typical wired networks, but it can require a complete replacement of your existing networking equipment. Here we’ll describe the benefits of gigabit ethernet and describe everything you’ll need to make the switch. These networking tips are to simply get more speed out of your connection. NEW
How to find your computer name When you first format a computer and install Windows you are prompted to give your computer a name. It could be George, Frank, Computer one, and so on. When you have a computer home network you can use the computer name to connect with other computers on your network instead of using other technical terms. (like IP addresses)
How to view your computer IP Address Find out how to find your computers IP address. You will need to know it if you want to use remote desktop or share files with other computers on your home network.
Change your IP Address Sometimes it is necessary to set your computer IP address yourself. This way the setting will stay the same. Knowing how to change your IP address is an important part of computer networking.
Mac Address How do I find my mac address to use for network security. You can use this information to set different security levels on your router, keeping your internet connection safe from intruders.
Enable Printer and File sharing This is one of our most popular computer networking tips. How to enable in Windows XP And Vista. Before you can share any files or printers on your home network, you must enable sharing on all computers.
Router IP Address How to find your router IP and configure it. You will need to know this information to setup your router on your home network. Each brand of router starts with a default manufacturers IP address.
Find a computer on your network A quick tip to find another computer on your home network. This is a quick way to find other computers on a Windows XP network. These networking tips also apply to Windows Vista and Windows 7.
How to see what Internet Protocol version your computer is using in Windows Vista When you want to see the properties of your network adapter, it can be difficult to know which Internet Protocol version to pick from the list. You might want to check your connection or even change your IP address but how do you know which IPV to choose?
How to change your computers IP Address in Windows Vista If you want to change your computers Ip address on Windows Vista you will need to go to the Network and Sharing center.

Computer Networking Printer Tips

Add Network Printer Applies to Windows Vista. Even though adding a network printer in Windows Vista is much the same as Windows XP, there are a few tiny differences. If you are already sharing an internet connection and have a network, it is unbelievably easy to add a network printer.
Add Network Printer Applies to Windows XP. This is a handy way to get away with having only one printer per household. You only need a printer attached to one computer on the home network and all the others can access it to use it.
Enable Printer and File sharing How to enable in Windows XP And Vista. Before sharing anything on a network, you must change settings that allow files, folders, and printers to be shared. There is just a few simple steps.
Path to your network printer How to find the path serverprinter Sometimes the add printer wizard cannot find your network printer and this is when you will have to know the path to your printer. My network printer is installed on a computer in my house named Frank and the printer is called Hpprinter. Therefore my path is frankhpprinter.
Set Network printer permissions Set who can change printer settings in Windows XP and Vista. You may want other users on the network to simply view a folder, but not allow them to alter or change it in any way. Setting permissions with a network printer can stop people from changing printing options.

File Sharing

Wireless Computer Networking Tips and Definitions

Wireless Network Security Ways to prevent loosing your personal information. How to stop people from accessing your network and browsing through your files and doing the unthinkable.
Wireless Network Interference Getting the most out of your router and your computer networking. Sometimes other devices can interfere with your wireless network activity and can slow your Internet connection down.
Wireless Networks How do they actually work? Most of us have a wireless network and have no idea how they work. This is one of my favorite computer networking tips.

Finding a Wireless Network How to find one to connect to. When you go to a new house or a cafe, and you want to connect to a wireless network, this article will show you how.
How to setup a wireless home network What do you need for a wireless home network and how do you set it up? It is not that hard but it can cost you a fortune if you get a professional to do it.
WRC (Windows Zero Configuration) and Wireless connection problems “Windows cannot configure this wireless connection. If you have enabled another program to manage this wireless connection, use that software. If you want Windows to configure this wireless connection, start the wireless zero configuration service. For information about starting the wzc service, see article 871122 in the Microsoft knowledge base on the website.”
How to Improve your Wireless Network Security As most individuals and business sectors are connected to the Internet using wireless devices, unless you have wireless network security, you simply don’t know when your personal information will be compromised.
How To Use Two Wireless Routers In The Same House  If you have a big house (or office), you may find it necessary to run two wireless routers (or more) to share the internet connection around efficiently. Although you can just plug in both routers and start using them, a bunch of little network problems caused by having two wireless routers will soon start to annoy you.
Getting the Most of Both your Router and Wireless Network  If you’re downloading a large files and it’s coming to it’s end, you’re receiving a Skype call from a client in London, without warning, your have network problems, leaving your download and VoIP call in havock. You’ll retry the wireless connection, but your router, though blinking contentedly in your tense, seems to be off. After three hour, for no reason, your Wi-Fi connection miraculously resurfaces.
Backup Wireless Network Settings in Windows Seven and Eight With Windows 7 and Windows 8, it is extremely easy to backup your wireless network settings, to save for the just in case times. Even know setting up a wireless network in Windows 7 is very easy, there are still things like a security key that you have to remember and typing manually.
Check Your WiFi Connection – Who is Using Your Internet Connection? There are various risk factors associated with WiFi connections. Even an outsider who is within the range of your wireless router may be able to access your WiFi, especially if you do not have any wireless security set in place.

Remote connection Computer Networking Tips

Remote Assistance Connect to your Friends computer to get help. You could be in separate countries, cities, or towns, as long as you have an internet connection. You can use Windows live messenger to connect to the other computer.
Remote Desktop How to connect to other computers on your Network and take control. For example I use my laptop in the lounge room but I am actually connected to my office computer. Connect two Computers over the Internet Connect using Outlook Express

Network Troubleshooting Tips

Home Network Problems 5 Uncommon Problems With Home Networks. Sometimes home network problems are as easy to fix as plugging in a cord, yet “check your cords” is almost all the advice you’ll get from overworked help desk operators. Sometimes you get onto a help desk operator that wants to take you through every simple step, even the ones you have already performed.
Home Network Problems As opposed to common computer networking problems we have 5 Uncommon Home Network Problems. There is no problem setting up your own home network and usually the hassles only start when you run into a problem that you cannot solve. It can be very frustrating when you have home network problems but hopefully we can help.
Is the Internet down? Five common problems with home networks Is your Internet out of action or really slow? Check out this article to see a few common problems that might occur. NEW
Network connections icon Show your Network Connections icon in your taskbar. Having an animated network connections icon there available for you to double click on gives you quick access the your internet connection properties and will also let you know if there is a problem.
Disable Internet connection Enable or Disable your internet network connection. This is a handy way to refresh your internet connection and to see if everything is working ok. When there are problems with your internet connection it can sometimes be solved by disabling your connection.
Why a home network? What are the benefits of a home network? If you haven’t set up a home network and you have more than one computer in your house then here are a few good reasons why you should.
Static and Dynamic IP Address What’s the difference? Why can’t they just make it simple and call them the IP address you set yourself and the automatically set one.
Two computers on one Modem Connect both to the internet. People often think that they can only connect one computer to a broadband modem. You do not need a router because there are usually two connections on the back of the modem. This is not so much computer networking, but simply two computers sharing one internet connection. It can be an accidental network.
Network Troubleshooting Commands Like PING or Net use. these are handy little commands that you can type in to the command prompt to evaluate your network problems.
Network Security What are the different types of network security that are available to keep your home network safe from unwanted hackers and intruders?
Internet Connection Troubleshoot Internet Connection Problems
What is the difference between network LAN, WAN, and MAN What network are you using. Do you have a group of computers all connected to the same Internet connection? Computer networking can involve large or small computer networks.
Check your Router with the Internet Connectivity Evaluation Tool for Windows Vista This is an online tools where you can evaluate your router and Internet connection. It is a free tool and is handy if you think there is a problem with your router.

How to restart or shutdown a computer through a remote desktop connection When you are using Remote Desktop, the shutdown button disappears and you cannot shut down the remote computer. This article shows you how to shut it down.

Bitmap Disk Cache Failure when using remote desktop I am a big fan of using Remote Desktop and this problem of the bitmap disk cache failure really annoys me. Here is a simple way to solve the problem.

Router Networking Terms Router networking terms confuse everyone at first, but once you learn the language, taking care of your home network becomes much easier.

Computer Networking Tips News

  • SMART Housing A Networking Horizon for the house of the future. How are computers and networking going to affect the way we build a house in the future?
If you have any further computer networking tips to share with us, please leave a comment below any of the articles that you are reading.

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