Blogger Widgets Science Education and Technology: Simple Way to Increase Your Facebook Fan Page Fans

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Simple Way to Increase Your Facebook Fan Page Fans

Facebook is one of the best free source of traffic for bloggers and internet marketers. Facebook page is one of the easiest way to get started with driving traffic on your blog, and I have already shared how to create a Facebook fan page for your blog. Now, the question many users have is how to increase likes on Facebook pages.  One of the easiest way is to add Facebook fan page widget on your website and start making your Facebook page popular.
Update: This article is updated in 2014 with screenshot of new Facebook fan page design.
Facebook fan page almost work like feed subscriber. When a user click on like button of any page, he will see the updates on his/her Facebook wall. Though you have to make sure you write engaging updates, so that Facebook edgerank algorithm will show all the updates to your Fans. So your first goal should be getting more Fans into your Facebook Fan page of your blog.
The first and simple way to have more fan is by inviting your group of friends to become a part of your Facebook fan page.
Here is a quick two-step process to invite your friends to become your Facebook Fan page Fan:
Go to your Facebook Fan page and on the right side you will see how many of your friends have liked your page and you can also invite users individually to like your page. A good idea is to click on “See all” and select all users and invite them to join your Facebook page. Specially if you have a large set of friends on Facebook, you will be able to get many likes by inviting your friends.
Follow the below screenshot to understand the process:
Invite Frineds on Facebook Simple Way to Increase Your Facebook Fan Page Fans
Now select the friends whom you want to invite and once you have selected your friends click on Send invitation. Do remember, by default Facebook will show friends you have interacted recently. You might like to change it to search all friends and select all friends. If you have a long list of friends, you can use select all friends chrome extension to make things easier for you.
invite Friends to join Facebook page Simple Way to Increase Your Facebook Fan Page Fans
Now once your friends will accept your invitation, they will become a fan of your Facebook Fan page and also this update will available on their friends wall. If the page is interesting more users will join the same way.
Make sure your landing page should be useful and you are inviting targeted people. For example when you have a blog about hard core technology, probably girls will be least interested for the same. So target guys for the same and avoid inviting girls. Here are few more articles that will help you to increase the likes on your Facebook page:
If you like Shoutmeloud, you can invite your friends to be a part of Shoutmeloud community by inviting them to join our Facebook fan page.
This is one of the simplest trick which I can think of in order to increase your Facebook Fan page followers in simplest way. Do share your tip to increase your Facebook fan page followers?

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