Blogger Widgets Science Education and Technology: Huffly App: Add Live Chat to Facebook Pages

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Huffly App: Add Live Chat to Facebook Pages

If you are one of those, who keep going to forum, you must have noticed Shout box, Live chat room to engage users. Specially, when you are getting bored, Shoutbox, and live chat rooms are great way to kill time. Facebook offers chat features on Facebook groups, but Facebook pages lack this feature. Though, there are third-party Facebook page apps, which will let you add live chat on Facebook pages.

How to use Huffly to add Live chat to your Facebook page:

Huffly is a free Facebook app, which will let you add live chat to your fan page, and as a user you can join other Live Facebook chat rooms. The best thing about Huffly is, it adds as an app, so with one click your users can join the Live chat, from your Facebook page. To start using Huffly, you need to go to their homepage, and click on create my chat room.
You will have to allow atleast 7-8 permission box to add Huffly Chat to your Facebook Fan page. Once you have selected on which page you want to add huffly, it will add a chat app at the top of your page. The real chatting will happen on Huffly server, but with branding, and design it will look like Facebook page chat room. Here is a screenshot of ShoutMeLoud chat room, which I created:
Facebook page chat room Huffly App:  Add Live Chat to Facebook Pages
As an admin, you can kick or ban any member who is spamming to trolling. You can promote any member as a moderator, which will be useful for a busy chat room. Huffly chat is an interesting idea, but it lacks few features like, save last chat, and when a users join in, he won’t be able to see old conversation. Also, even though you have a fan page with good number of users, it will be good if you can set weekly timing for chat. You can probably, set a topic and discus about it on Live chat.
huffly options Huffly App:  Add Live Chat to Facebook Pages
Over all, it’s a useful free Facebook app to spice up your Fan page with Live chat. If you are looking for other useful app for your Facebook page, I recommend you to check out GetPostRocket and Rss Graffiti.
Will you be adding Live chat to your Facebook fan page? Also, you could check out ShoutMeLoud fan page here.

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