Blogger Widgets Science Education and Technology: Show File Extensions in Windows 8

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Show File Extensions in Windows 8

In Windows 8 it is very easy to show file extensions. You still have to open up Windows Explorer, just like you did when you wanted to show file extensions in earlier versions of Windows, but then the options are right there for you to choose. Previously you had to go to the tools menu, then click on the folder options, then go to the view tab and select your option.
To show file extensions in Windows 8 there are a few less steps to perform.

Show File Extensions in Windows 8

1. On the Windows 8 starts screen, click on the Explorer button.
2. When Windows Explorer opens click on the view tab at the top.
3. You we’ll see a few options just below. If you tick the box next to “file name extensions” this will expose your file extensions.
As if you can see in the screenshot below, you can also tick the box next to hidden items to show hidden files.
There are also more options if you press the options button on the far right.
Windows 8 show file extensions

Notes on show file extensions in windows 8

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