To get your web page on the top page of google isn't exactly easy. It
can be, then other times it's a bit more difficult. Google is the number
search engine on the web, it gets quite a bit of traffic a day. When
you are writing an ehow article, or blog, whatever it is, you should be
researching your title on google first. If you're not, then you are
possibly missing out on how to drive more traffic to your site and do
better on google rankings.
Check out where your articles are on google page rank. Very
simple, go to google's home page. Google in your article's title, or
blog, and see where you are on their ranking page. If you are on the
first page, then that is outstanding. That alone won't always generate a
lot of traffic, though. Using good backlinks helps as well.
Pick your title carefully. For example, if I write how to
love a girl. Google that title and check to see if there are similar
titles with those exact keywords. It's okay if they have some of those
keywords, which obviously there will be on that topic, but the exact
ones is what you want to stay away from. Keywords are everything, when
you want to get ranked on google. You have to choose the proper ones,
otherwise you won't find your articles at all. Using words like "make"
or "get" are pretty seo friendly words on the internet. Avoid exact
titles of others.
See how many web hits your title gets on google. When you
can get something like 50 million, or more web matches when, you'll
probably tend to get more traffic. However, you have more competition at
the same time, even if you do rank on the first page. Still, choose
good seo words in your titles, where these words tend to get a lot of
hits on google. You can fool around with their site, and see which words
do better, and which ones don't. Just words like "make" can be a
significant difference in getting hits. There is no point in picking a
title, getting it ranked number one on google, if no one on the web
searches for it.
Use good seo words. Seo words are critical, because they
create backlinks and help you rank even better on google. Use ones that
have to do with your article, or blog though. If you're using google
adsense, like there is on ehow, you need seo words to target your google
ads as well. If you're writing about cleaning an oven, you need your
ads, and google to recognize exactly what your topic is about. That way
you drive in more traffic, targeted to your audience on that topic. Use
the google adwords tool bar, or google search-based keyword tool to
figure it out. It's good to use your title keywords in the first
paragraph of your articles, that is how google bots pick them up, then
you get ranked better on their site. Avoid stuffing those words in your
articles, because google will classify them as spam.
Promote your articles. I've written articles and have had
about three or four articles from social bookmark sites pop up on
google, on the front page with my original one as well. Sometimes they
do even better than the original. The more backlinks you can create, the
better you will do on google. Sometimes it's harder, depending on
competition, and the topic. Some topics are rather easy to get on the
front page. Obviously when you write blogs, or articles, you'd like to
make money. To make money, you need to drive in traffic. You need google
to do that if you are going to bring in a lot of traffic to your site.
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