Blogger Widgets Science Education and Technology: How To Build an iPad App for a Novice

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

How To Build an iPad App for a Novice

Creating applications for iOS devices such as the iPad allows you to promote your brand or generate revenue from app sales or advertisement. Users with no prior programming background can develop apps for the iPad, although those wishing to do so must learn a programming language known as Objective-C. If you have an innovative idea for an app, you can build it and publish it in the App Store by using XCode, an iOS development kit.

Things You'll Need

  • Mac computer


    • Learn Objective-C, the programming language used by iOS apps. Numerous books, tutorials and other online resources are available to help you learn the language.
    • 2
      Create a developer account at Developers who wish to publish apps in the App Store or test their apps on an iPad must create a developer account and pay a one-time fee to Apple. As of November 2011, the fee is $99.
    • 3
      Download and install XCode, the iOS development kit from This software kit contains all the tools needed to build your app and publish it in the App Store.
    • 4
      Use a graphics editor to create the menus, buttons and backgrounds for your app. Import those pictures into your XCode project by dragging them to the XCode icon in the dock.
    • 5
      Write the application's code in Objective-C. You can type your Objective-C code directly into the XCode project navigator pane.
    • 6
      Test your application in XCode's iOS simulator. You can also connect an iPad to your computer if you wish and, using XCode again, load the app onto the iPad to test it. You can do this using the iOS Device SDK.
    • 7
      Compile the application and submit it to the App Store. To submit your app, use the archives organizer in XCode to create an archive and then select "Submit." The App Store team will review your app and publish it if it complies with the App Store guidelines.

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