Blogger Widgets Science Education and Technology: Learn How to Install CCTV

Sunday, 24 November 2013

Learn How to Install CCTV


 CCTV Installation guidelines

This main aim of this document is to provide clear guidance to non-technical users wishing to buy a CCTV system that is fit for purpose.  It closely follows the recommendations in the Home Office Publication no 55/06 - CCTV Operational Requirements Manual.  If more detailed information is required, can be downloaded from:

First of all, ask yourself these basic questions:

  • Why do you want CCTV?
  • What do you want to achieve from a system?
  • What is the purpose of it?
  • Will the performance achieve your expectations?

There are four key stages when planning the installation of a CCTV system:

  1. Level 1 – Operational Requirement – This is your statement of overall security needs
  2. Level 2 - Operational Requirement – Define your requirements for CCTV
  3. Technical Specification – obtain a Detailed CCTV system specification
  4. System Commissioning and Validation – Assess performance of the installed CCTV system


 Stage 1:         Define the problem

This is the security threat, safety issue or other vulnerability that you are experiencing.  Consider at this point whether the installation of a CCTV system is the most appropriate response to these concerns, or if there are alternative options.  Professional advice should be sought at this stage, from a qualified Police Crime Reduction Advisor, or other suitably qualified individual.  This stage is known as Level 1 of the operational requirement, your statement of overall security need.

Stage 2:         Define the requirement for CCTV

This is the most important stage as the purpose of it is to provide a guide through the process from the decision “I need CCTV” to the commissioning of an effective system.  The first and most important question to be addressed with any CCTV system is “what do I need to see?” and “why do I need to see it?”  It is during this stage that the Level 2 of the operational requirement should be discussed fully with all stakeholders and completed.  There are step-by-step guides available further on in this document.  Following each step will produce a clear operational requirement that can be passed to a manufacturer or supplier, and it will help them to design a system around your needs, and that will be fit for purpose.  Maintenance, management, monitoring and legal issues should also be considered in this stage.

Stage 3:         Obtain a detailed technical specification

There are four things that your system may need to do:

·         Monitor
·         Detect
·         Recognise
·         Identify

Your supplier will need to provide a system that can do these things, using suitable equipment.  For example, transmission method (how the images get from the camera to the monitor), type of camera, image quality, frame rates, display monitors, lighting, recording and storage capacity.

Stage 4:         Install the system and assess performance

When the cameras have been commissioned, the final step in the process is to check that all of the functions specified in the operational requirement document have been met by the system.  A user manual should be supplied and the system should be set up correctly and tested.  In particular, you should test:

·         Camera’s field of view
·         Live and recorded image quality
·         Storage time provided by the system
·         Operation of the alarms and motion detection features          

Use the step-by-step guide on the next page, and you can achieve all the stages you need to get a CCTV system that is fit for purpose, and suits YOUR needs.

Step 1:           Complete your operational requirements checklist

Before focusing on the requirement for the CCTV system itself, some thought should be given to the nature of the problem or threat that needs to be resolved.  The statement of the overall security need is known as the Level 1 Operational requirement.  The completion of a ‘check list’ should help to ensure that the strategic issues are analysed first and that the most appropriate solution is arrived at, even if this requires options other than CCTV to be considered.  CCTV should form part of the total security system and should not be used on its own.

The first task is to draw a site plan and mark the areas of concern.  The more detail the better.    For example, include any buildings you wish to survey, specific streets, parks or playgrounds, entrances, exits, car parking and anything else that needs to be viewed.  Once the site plan has been drawn then the potential problems and/or threats can be marked on the map.  Typical things that might be included are:

·         Personal Safety members of the public
·         Burglary to homes in the area
·         Theft of property
·         Criminal damage
·         Arson
·         Vehicle crime
·         Business Crime
·         Anti-Social Behaviour
·         Alcohol-related crime

Some areas may need cover for different activities, i.e. to monitor the flow of groups of people in a town centre setting or to identify individual people in the event of an incident.

If the installation is likely to be complex and involve several different stakeholders, then they should all be consulted at this stage and asked to identify their requirements on the site plan.  This may be only relevant if it is a shared system with other service users in the same building, or a joint venture with different community groups etc.  Some examples are Schools, Police, PFI partners, Local Authority, residents associations, community groups etc.

Once it has been determined that there is a requirement for CCTV as the most effective solution to tackle the problems, then you are ready to further develop your operational requirement.

Step 2:           Use the supplied checklist

Fill the boxes in on the checklist to further define the problems and develop your requirements.  Repeat a box for each problem identified in the site plan. 

A completed specimen checklist is included to guide you, but please note they are only suggestions, you should include all problems you anticipate, or have experienced in the past, and what will affect the security of the target area.

Fill these sections below on the checklist:

 Location                                           The area that you want to see with the camera.   
Be specific.

Activity                                              The crimes or trouble that you associate with this area.  What incidents do you need to see with the camera?

Purpose of observation               How much detail do you need from the image?
Target speed                                   Will the target or subject be running, walking, stationary or a combination of these?       

 You can find blank checklists in the appendix to this document to help you.  On the next page is an example of a completed checklist.

Define the problem



Car Park

Entrance Gate

School Building



Damage to fence
Intruders both during and out of school hours

Personal Safety

Monitor access to the school



Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Once you have defined the problem areas, you should consider operational issues such as viewing and recording the images etc.  Filling in the boxes will help you cover all the issues.  Again, these are only suggestions; you should include details of your particular situation, available staff to view and manage the images, and available space for equipment (display monitor, video/dvd recorder) etc.

 Operational issues – who will need to monitor the images, and what should they do in the event of an incident?

Who monitors:

Reception Staff
Site Manager
Trained CCTV Staff
When is it monitored:

School hours
Where monitored:

School Office
Remote CCTV control room

Contact Head Teacher
Continue monitoring
Contact City Watch
Contact Police

System requirements – what type of equipment will you need to be able to do what you need with the system?

Alert functions:

Visual – by sight
Audible – alarm indicator
PIR – activated out of hours
Motion detection

Type of VDU

Retention time
Image Quality
Frame Rate

Video export facilities
3rd party access
Replay software

Management issues – how will you comply with regulations and maintain the system for problem free operation?


Regulation – code of practice

SIA licensing
OFCOM Compliance
Legal Issues:

Data Protection Act

Freedom of Information Act


Cleaning, repairs, upgrades, warranties, product life cycle


Staff, training, accommodation, consumables
Will these need extra costs?

For further information on regulations see the Security Industry Authority

For further information on legal issues see the Information Commissioner’s Office
Step 3 – Give the information to your CCTV consultant or supplier.

If you have completed all the steps so far as fully as you can, now you are ready to order a system.  They will need this information to design a system that is fit for purpose and suitable to your needs.  Don’t be put of by the technical jargon, you can ask them for advice to help you with technical issues, and more detailed information can also be found in the complete manual (mentioned at the beginning of this document), which can be downloaded from:

Also included in this document is information on UK Police requirements for digital CCTV systems.  This details the areas that must be considered for CCTV recordings to be effective in detecting and investigating crime.
Text Box: Handy Tip! Ask your CCTV consultant or supplier for details of previous customers they have designed systems for and ask for testimonies.  Check with them whether the scheme has been successful, and what kind of problems they encountered.  Try and use a company who are experience in providing similar systems to the one you require, as they will have previous knowledge of the various problems and their solutions.
Ongoing maintenance

This is very important to ensure the continuing success of your system.  You have spent a lot of money on your CCTV system; it is essential to keep it maintained and in full working order.  You wouldn’t expect a car to run without regular servicing or MOT, a CCTV system is the same.  It is also useful to be specific when negotiating your maintenance contract with the supplier.  It is easy to rely on the first years guarantee, but often this does not specify when the contractor is obliged to attend.  If your risk is high and you need someone to attend within 24 hours, then specify this.  If the risk is low, and you could wait 48 hours, then specify this.  Check what they offer as a standard maintenance agreement and work from this.  This will save you time negotiating when you need them, and avoid chasing them up later

Remember that you are the customer!  The company or consultant need to provide you with a system that you have asked for, and that you can use.

Handy tip!  Consider the practical benefits of using an experienced LOCAL company.  Reputable suppliers can be found by contacting the British Security Industry Association on 0845 389 3889 or by visiting the webstite at  The Procurement section can advise you on the proper procedures including the benefits of using a framework agreement.

Step 4 – Test your system!

This is the final step in the process; you should check that all of the functions that you specified in the operational requirements checklist have been met by the installed system.  A user manual should be supplied and you should check that the system has been set up correctly.  This is very important, it is not uncommon that there may be a few teething troubles with your new system.

Text Box: Handy Tip!   Once the system has been installed, it is useful to record and export some sample footage that can be used as a reference of image quality and camera field of view for use during future system maintenance.  This will highlight any change or degradation that occurs in the system.
You should now be ready to use your system with confidence, try and spend time getting to know what it can do and how it can make your life easier.  If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to call your supplier so they can clarify any issues as they arrive.

Finally, CCTV should not be seen as a magic wand to eliminate all crime.  It is just one of many tools that can be used to reduce crime, if used correctly.  Security is a vital issue for any organisation and should be reviewed continually.  Also included at the end of this document are some general security guidelines for reviewing and updating your security plans. 

Example of a site plan:
Blank Checklists:
UK Police Requirements for digital CCTV systems:

Blank ‘OR’ checklist:

Define the problem













Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Purpose of Observation:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Target Speed:

Operational issues – who will need to monitor the images, and what should they do in the event of an incident?

Who monitors:

When is it monitored:

Where monitored:


System requirements – what type of equipment will you need to be able to do what you need with the system?

Alert function:




Management issues – how will you comply with regulations and maintain the system for problem free operation?


Legal Issues:



Site plan:


 Reviewing security
Whether you are creating, reviewing, or updating your security plans, keep these key points in mind:
·         carry out a risk assessment to decide on the threats you might be facing and their likelihood. Identify your vulnerabilities and the potential impact of exploitation.
·         if acquiring or extending premises, consider security at the planning stage. It will be cheaper and more effective than adding measures later.
·         make security awareness part of your organisation’s culture and ensure security is represented at a senior level.
·         ensure good basic housekeeping throughout your premises. Keep public areas tidy and well-lit, remove unnecessary furniture and keep garden areas clear.
·         keep access points to a minimum and issue staff and visitors with passes.
·         install appropriate physical measures such as locks, alarms, CCTV surveillance, complementary lighting and glazing protection.
·         when recruiting staff or hiring contractors, check identities and follow up references.
consider how best to protect your information and take proper IT security precautions. Examine your methods for disposing of confidential waste.

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