Blogger Widgets Science Education and Technology: Exciting tricks/Pranks to learn on the PC

Friday, 29 November 2013

Exciting tricks/Pranks to learn on the PC

Tricks that can be done with the PC


I have a lot of tricks that can be done on the pc. Through lot of research and practice, I have found out that’s the computer has a lot to offer. Its benefits are endless so as the disadvantages.
This is one of the little tricks I have to offer in this post.
I call this the Dummy File Disk-Drive Loader
To do this, you must follow the Steps given to you below.
Step 1:
Click on the Start Menu > Accessories > Command Prompt
Or you could do this by Holding the Window Key + R key on the Keyboard and a dialog box appears as shown below
Now they CMD in the Open Search text box
Then a Command Prompt Window is appears as shown below
Step 2:
Now Type this in there, fsutil file createnew C:\Test.txt 1000
And then hit the Enter key on the Keyboard
Note1: This file is being created at the location where it was assigned to be kept.
For example, the C: means that the location of the file should be saved in the C: Drive
The C:\Test means the file name should be Test
The C:\Test.txt means the file created should be a text file, the .txt is an extension
The C:\Test.txt 1000 means the file size created should be 1000 bytes(b) which is equal to 1kilobytes(kb)
Note2: The only way you can fill up the hard disk is to check for the available size there and copy or write the same size you see there.
And to see this, follow Step 3.
Step 3:
Click on the Start Button > My Computer
This window appears as shown below
Right Click on the Local Disk (C:) > Properties
Then a dialog box appears as shown below
Copy the Free space number. For example what I have hear is 1,144,991,744
So to fill up my disk, I am going to type fsutil file createnew C:\Test.txt 1144991744
Please do not put the commas, it isn’t necessary.
When that is done there will be no space left.
Note3: The file created is an empty one and can be type into it and save it without it losing or adding more size.
What you have done is like creating a file with a permanent size.
Step 4:
Right-click the File > Properties  
Select the Hidden Check-box
Then Click on Apply and then Ok
As shown in the dialog box below
Note4: The file should be created somewhere that cannot be found easily no matter what, and try to use a name that will look like something the system came with.


Creating a Tricky Virus
This isn’t harmful at all; it’s just a test to find out if your system Anti-Virus is functioning properly
Open the NotePad or WordPad.
To do that, Click Start Menu > All Programs > Accessories > NotePad or WordPad
Or You could do that by Holding the Window + R Keys on the Keyboard
The Run dialog box appears
Type in Notepad in it and hit the Enter key
The NotePad window appears as shown below
Save the file as VirusTest.exe or VirusTest.bat
Note: If the Anti-Virus doesn’t raise an alarm, it means your friends Anti-Virus is Inactive or it needs to be upgraded
If it does raise an alarm you know that your friend’s Anti-Virus it’s in good condition.

Try this as pranks/Tricks on your friends and please make sure you do it on someone that can handle it and please do delete it when you are done by Selecting the file and Hold the shift + Delete keys on the keyboard.
If you do have any questions or confused about anything, please do drop your questions as Comments and I will help you within 10 hours
Please do share this with friends and also subscribe to our posts and comments so as not to miss our next exciting post.
Thank you.


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